7 Tips For Staying Cool in El Paso
Quick Read
Whether you were born and raised in El Paso, or just recently moved from a different part of Texas, you understand exactly how hot the temperature feels during summer months. The extreme heat can negatively effect plans and gatherings. Here is a list 7 tips that can help you keep cool in El Paso:
Properly Hyrdrate
Avoid Prolonged Sun Exposure
Dress Appropriately
Move Downstairs
Find Your Hot Zones
Grab A Smoothie
Montior Hot Food Intake
The lone star state is notorious for intense periods of heat and sun exposure during the day. Sometimes escaping the heat can be difficult. If you follow these tips, you will find yourself much cooler during the day.
1. Drink Lots of Water:
Hot and dry conditions are dangerous if you are outdoors and active. From June to August, the temperatures in El Paso average 97 degrees farenheit. The reason it gets so hot is because El Paso is considered a hot desert climate that doesn’t receive much rainfall compared to the rest of Texas which is humid subtropical due to the influence of the Gulf of Mexico.
Drinking water consistently during the day will help your body stay cool, and support the health of your vital organs. With so many fun activities to be enjoyed outdoors in El Paso, it’s crucial you are receiving proper hydration. Experts recommend 24-32oz of water for every 1 hour of activity. Remember, it’s best to drink a little bit of water more frequently over-time rather than drinking a lot of water infrequently.
2. Manage Exposure To The Sun:
Your fun outdoor activity doesn’t need to be spoiled by the intense heat. One way to manage your exposure to the sun is planning around the times when the sun is out. Typically, the temperature is hottest from 11 AM to 3 PM. When planning your outdoor activities, it’s advised you follow closely with the 10-day weather forecast.
During times when you will have prolonged exposure to the sun, be sure not to forget to apply and reapply sunscreen. Don’t let your next your next adventure get ruined because of too much sun exposure.
3. Choose The Right Attire:
When deciding what you want to wear for the day, checking out the hourly weather forecast is important. If the forecast is calling for extreme heat with little cloud coverage, experts suggest wearing light colored (white, beige or gray) clothes that are breathable. Cotton, linen, and silk shirts that are loose fitting would be considered your best option.
It’s also advisable to wear long brimmed hats and sunglasses to prevent too much sun exposure to your head and neck area.
4. Utilize Downstairs Area:
One of the simple ways that can help you stay cool during the hot summer months is to avoid the upper floors of your home or office. Heating and cooling experts understand the challenges that come along with proper air circulation in any type of structure (residential or commercial). Heat naturally rises, leaving the downstairs area a much cooler place.
TIP: using blackout shades to cover windows can help keep the temperature of the room lower. Less sun exposure inside the room equals cooler temperatures.
5. Hot Zones:
When trying to cool off, using ice packs on the “Hot Zones” of your body can quickly remedy heat exhaustion symptoms. The head/neck area, wrists, elbows, knees, and feet are all common “Hot Zones.” Due to how close veins are to the skin in those areas, you will feel relief faster with ice treatment.
Be aware to use the ice pack carefully. It’s advised that when your skin starts to feel numb, take a short break to avoid skin or nerve damage.
6. Grab A Smoothie:
A delicious way to beat the heat, smoothies are a healthier way to give your body valuable nutrients. Because fruits and vegetables contain larger amounts of water in proportion to their weight, the decision to make a smoothie on a hot day is a no brainer.

The best part, is you can have anything you’d like in your smoothie. Check-out your local El Paso smoothie shop or if you own a blender, here are some tasty recipes you can make yourself:
Peanut Butter Banana: 6 ice cubes, 3-4oz of milk, 1 banana, 1 tsp peanut butter.
Strawberry Banana: 6 ice cubes, 3-4oz of milk, 1 banana, 2 cups of strawberries
Mango Delight: 6 ice cube, non-fat yogurt, 2 cups of mango, 2 cups of pineapple
Kiwi Dream: 6 ice cubes, non-fat yogurt, 2 cups of kiwi, 2 cups of strawberries
Morning Joy: 6 ice cubes, 3-4 oz orange juice, 1 cup of strawberries, 1 cup of mango, 1 cup of pineapple.
Your decision to grab a smoothie can not only help you cool off, but a smoothie is a good alternative to consuming high sugar beverages such as soda, energy drinks or sports drinks.
7. Lower Hot Food Intake:
Eating hot meals during times when the El Paso heat won’t fade can be a quick way to feeling uncomfortable. When we say lowering hot food intake, we mean “hot to the touch” not “hot as in spicy.” In fact, studies have shown that spicy food actually helps cool you down because it triggers the sweat glands your body uses to cool down.
We’re talking about items like a hot bowl of potato soup or a hot turkey panini. When your body intakes hot food items during hot weather, your internal temperature can rise faster, especially if active and outdoors. Good alternatives for a hot day include: tossed salad with dressing, cobb salad sub, and hummus and veggie wrap.
Final Thoughts:
Given the health and safety implications that come with extremely hot temperatures, it’s important you utilize these 7 tips when you find yourself too hot.